As the current bull market is now 93 months long (since 1970, the average bull market has lasted 56 months), the question naturally arises whether a market correction is due.

Putting this question in perspective, since 1970, there have been 8 “troughs” in the MSCI World Index returns (a “trough” being defined as market bottoms after declines of at least 20%). A majority of these troughs (5 out of the 8) have been associated with recessions (1973-1974. 1980-1982, 1990-1991, 2000-2001, 2008) and double-digit earnings declines.

Notice below the 5 market troughs that experienced associated recessions and double-digit earnings declines. Currently for 2019, global earnings are forecasted at 5% and GDP forecasts are 1.5% for developed markets and 3.4% for emerging markets. The conditions for a 20% decline in the global market do not seem baked in. This bull market could continue – assuming we do not experience any global shocks.

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